Research Opportunities

Berger Institute Research Grant

The purpose of the Berger Institute Research Grant is to support and expand the ongoing research of CMC students by helping to defray the costs of a specific, student-led project (e.g. travel, equipment, etc.). The recipient is required to conduct research under the supervision of, or in collaboration with, a faculty member. The proposed project should reflect the student’s current research interest and may include research for the student’s senior thesis. While the topic should address psycho-social well-being issues (broadly defined), all disciplines and research methodologies are encouraged and welcome to apply. The award amount will vary according to the scope and subject of the project.

Upon completion of the project, the student must provide a summary of their research findings (1000-2000 words). In addition, the student may be asked to give a short oral presentation to Berger Institute board members. Finally, the student must acknowledge the Berger Institute in any professional publications or presentations that result from this project.

Applications are accepted throughout the year, but all projects must be completed by the end of the academic year of the application and must take place in the United States. An interview may also be required as part of the application process.

To apply, please submit:

  • An application
  • A one- to two-page proposal that outlines the theoretical importance of the research, the specific research methodology that will be used (including sample data and collection materials), and its connection to work-family issues;
  • A cover letter;
  • A one-page detailed budget;
  • Resume;
  • Transcript (unofficial is fine);
  • One faculty reference that we may contact who can speak to the feasibility of the student begin able to successfully complete the project.

Students will typically find out whether they have received the award 2-4 weeks after receipt of the application. For more information, please contact The Berger Institute.