2021 Grants

Faculty Grants


The Berger Institute is excited to announce a new tagline. Our new name, the Berger Institute for Individual and Social Development, is designed to capture the interdisciplinary work of the institute to advance change in individuals and communities, with the goal of improving health and well-being, broadly defined. To celebrate, we are offering faculty grants that focus broadly on the theme How We Thrive. Faculty may write small grants to fund speakers for their classes, attend workshops, or support research projects. We anticipate grants ranging from $200 – $5000.

How to Apply

Proposals for calendar year 2021 are due on Friday, March 12, 2021 (by 11:59pm PST). Decisions will be made by March 19, 2021. Email your proposal to bergerinstitute@cmc.edu with the subject line: Faculty Grant 2021. Please reach out with any questions to bergerinstitute@cmc.edu. Funds are for current use and must be used by June 30, 2021 or they will be forfeited.


Student Development Grants


The Berger Institute is excited to announce our new name change! To celebrate, the Berger Institute for Individual and Social Development is offering student grants for projects that focus on our central focus, How We Thrive. We are soliciting proposals for projects that students can engage in that will help them to advance individual and social well-being at the Claremont colleges and local community. Projects could include, for example, bringing specific speakers to the campus community, organizing a work-shop on well-being, engaging in a service project, etc. If their essay proposals are chosen, students will be awarded up to $200 in funding for their spring semester project. Students may choose to work in teams.


All full-time and part-time 5C’s students are eligible to apply.


Before applying, please review these criteria:

  • These grants are primarily for projects focused on programs and activities that fit broadly under our mission of promoting well-being in our communities.
  • We are particularly interested in supporting collaborative, innovative ideas.
  • Funds must be used for the approved activities.
  • Funds are for current use and must be used by June 15, 2021 or they will be forfeited.
  • This award has an expectation of both a brief written report (1-2 pages) and video update (1-3 minutes) of your project’s impact to be sent to us by June 15, 2021. Student Grantee videos will be posted on social media.
  • Please submit your proposal at least two weeks prior to starting the project for which you are seeking funding.
  • If part or all of the funding will go toward a service, this must be paid directly through the Berger Institute and cannot be reimbursed.
  • All planned reimbursements must follow CMC’s Reimbursement Guidelines.

Proposal Contents

Submit a 2-page essay that includes:

  • Project title
  • Project description (What is your project? How will you go about it? Where will it take place? How long and how often will it take place?)
  • How your project fits with our theme of individual and/or social development
  • Who your project affects
  • Timeline
  • Proposed team details (if more than just you) and their roles on project
  • Budget (Where will that $200 go?)
  • Predicted impact of your project

How to Apply

There are two rounds of deadlines for proposals. The first round of essays for early consideration are due on Wednesday, March 3, 2021 (by 11:59pm PST). Decisions will be made by March 17, 2021. The second round of essays are due on April 2, 2021 (by 11:59pm PST). Decisions will be made by April 16, 2021. Email your proposal to bergerinstitute@cmc.edu with the subject line: Student Development Proposal Spring 2021. Please reach out with any questions to bergerinstitute@cmc.edu.